
Joshua Mammoliti from The Blue Space | Checkout #387

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In this episode of Add To Cart, we checkout Joshua Mammoliti from The Blue Space, Australia’s largest pureplay online renovation retailer.  With a background in digital working for leading Australian […]

Josh Mammoliti is one of the founders and CTO of Australia’s largest dedicated online retailer of renovation products, The Blue Space. He has been in and around renovation products for over 20 years, spending a decade developing cutting edge digital solutions for leading Australian bathroom & kitchen brands before deciding to try to solve Aussie customers' frustrations with buying bathroom renovation products online. He was recently recognised for his contribution to the eCommerce industry by making the 2023 Top 50 People in eCommerce list.

In this episode of Add To Cart, we checkout Joshua Mammoliti from The Blue Space, Australia’s largest pureplay online renovation retailer.  With a background in digital working for leading Australian bathroom & kitchen brands like Caroma, Josh saw an opportunity for ecommerce innovation at a time when very few in the industry agreed.  Eight years later, The Blue Space is well established and an online leader in the bathware category. Josh himself has been recognised by making the 2023 Top 50 People in eCommerce list.

Can you recommend a book or a podcast that our listeners should immediately get into?

There are so many lessons I had to learn on my own, that lots of founders have been through.

There are two podcasts I’m into at the moment. Marketing School with Eric Siu and Neil Patel. I’m a bit of a short and sharp listener, I’ve only got a short drive to work so they’re ten to twenty minute episodes and they pack a fair bit in.  If you just want to stay finger on the pulse with what’s happening in marketing and what these big agencies are looking at.  

The other one I think as a founder, if there are any other founders listening or people looking to start a business, The Mentor with Mark Bouris.  I really enjoy listening to that.  I think I’ve almost listened to every episode he’s put out.  I just love every story, whether he’s got a founder or a leader on there, every story is different.  I wish I had a podcast like that back when I was starting.

The Checkout is a short snippet of our conversations.

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