The Learning Community for Ecommerce Professionals


Join our community dedicated to your growth. Dive into the latest resources, connect with top industry leaders, and collaborate with peers all committed to delivering ecommerce growth. And have a bit of fun on the way!

Add To Cart CAMPUS

What's in CAMPUS?

Add To Cart CAMPUS


Join industry experts to upskill with Lunch & Learns, partner demonstrations and short courses. 


Connect with fellow ecommerce professionals. As a question. Celebrate your wins. Take a tangent!


Access the latest ecommerce news, research and trends. Even ask questions of upcoming Add To Cart guests.


Get exclusive access to upcoming Add To Cart events, industry events or organise your own meet-ups!

Who's CAMPUS for?

Retailers & Brands

If ecommerce is part of your role, CAMPUS is for you! Whether you are in ecommerce, marketing, tech or product, CAMPUS is designed to help you achieve retail results.

eCommerce Partners

We welcome technology, agency and consulting partners to be part of CAMPUS. We can all learn from each other. However, CAMPUS is a strict no-selling zone!

Career Climbers

Whether you're an ecommerce beginner or a professional, CAMPUS is the place to be if you want to advance your ecommerce career. Meet peers and be inspired by leaders.

Ready to Get Started?