Apply to join our ecommerce learning community

Add To Cart CAMPUS is a free learning community for ecommerce professionals. To ensure the quality and safety of our community interactions, we review all applications before commencing. 

Apply to join CAMPUS

Application Criteria

The Add To Cart CAMPUS learning community is specifically for: 

  • Professionals working in ecommerce within retailer or brand teams 
  • Founders and leaders of ecommerce brands 
  • Technology and service partners within the ecommerce industry 
  • Consultants and specialists who advise to ecommerce businesses

We will review your submission and if you meet the criteria, we will send you your free invitation link. 

Who's CAMPUS for?

Retailers & Brands

If ecommerce is part of your role, CAMPUS is for you! Whether you are in ecommerce, marketing, tech or product, CAMPUS is designed to help you achieve retail results.

eCommerce Partners

We welcome technology, agency and consulting partners to be part of CAMPUS. We can all learn from each other. However, CAMPUS is a strict no-selling zone!

Career Climbers

Whether you're an ecommerce beginner or a professional, CAMPUS is the place to be if you want to advance your ecommerce career. Meet peers and be inspired by leaders.

Already a member?