
Carla Penn Kahn and David Kahn from ProfitPeak | #414

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In this episode of Add To Cart, we checkout Carla Penn-Kahn and David Kahn, Co founders of Profit Peak, a SaaS tool built to give merchants true visibility on everything […]

CEO for 10+ years with a team in Sydney and Kuala Lumpur. Our eCommerce brands were no1 and no2 according to the independent voice of Australian consumers on ProductReview for our category. Acquired by Kitchen Warehouse in 2023 to create the largest Kitchenware player in Australia. Founder of Profit Peak, an operating system for profitable eCommerce businesses. Optimising advertising and inventory for profitable outcomes in real time, with first party data, solving attribution. Mum to two gorgeous kids.


eCommerce CMO for 10+ years making our business grow from $3m ➡️ $30m+ in sales selling the world's best kitchenware brands for Australia's leading pure play kitchenware stores without external capital before exiting.
Now heading up growth as co-founder of Profit Peak with a focus on customer success with a product-led growth strategy, helping e-commerce businesses boost their profitability.

In this episode of Add To Cart, we checkout Carla Penn-Kahn and David Kahn, Co founders of Profit Peak, a SaaS tool built to give merchants true visibility on everything that contributes to profitability, all in one place, in real time.  The husband and wife team started ProfitPeak in 2022 to help them run their own ecommerce business and it soon became clear this was a solution that other founders were crying out for.  Today they work with clients such as Arms of Eve and Flora and Fauna. 

Can you recommend a book or a podcast that our listeners should immediately get into?

It’s gonna sound true to my unit economics form, but I love The Lean Startup by Eric Ries.  I’ve probably read it three times, I’m not going to lie. (Carla)

The SaaS Podcast by Omer Kahn.  I find that every short podcast that he puts out, there’s always a small nugget (to takeaway)  even if it’s an entirely different software to what we’re building. (David)

The Checkout is a short snippet of our conversations.

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