
Dean Jones from GlamCorner | Checkout #137

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Dean thinks that instant deliverability – led by drones – is the future differentiator in eCommerce.


A former investment banker-turned entrepreneur, Dean loves high-growth emerging companies and the buzz you get from working with impactful people to create awesome ideas and turn disruptive technology concepts into reality from the ground up. He is especially passionate about how businesses, big and small, can be a force for good and drive lasting, positive change for the environment and for our communities. Dean believes that people are the single most important asset to any organisation - and this is especially true for startups! He believes in building a nimble 'fail-fast'​ mentality into a company's DNA early on: so it’s possible to move fast and take risks. I constantly try new ideas. Sometimes they work - sometimes they don’t; but he never stops trying. It's this rapid, iterative process that drives me to build best-practice products and experiences for customers. Dean thrives on collaboration within an open company culture where all ideas are included and where everybody has the opportunity to have an impact.

In this episode of Add To Cart, we checkout Dean Jones from GlamCorner.  The fashion rental business started in 2012 with Dean and his wife, Audrey. Neither had a fashion background but they did have a united vision to “accelerate the transition to a more circular and sustainable fashion system”. Today, they operate out of a 5,000 square metre fulfilment centre in Sydney, have 130 people on the team, 30,000 articles of clothing in rotation and rent out up to 70 tonnes of clothes each month.

Questions answered in this episode include
  • What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever bought online? 
  • Who is your favourite retailer? 
  • Which retail fad do you wish was history?
  • Can you recommend a book or podcast that our listeners should immediately get into? 
  • Finish this sentence.  The future of retail is… 

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