
Nick Morgan from Vudoo | #348

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In this episode of Add To Cart, we are joined by Nick Morgan, Founder and CEO of Vudoo, a platform that connects content to commerce and brings the checkout to […]

Nick Morgan from Vudoo

Nick Morgan, CEO & Founder, Vudoo, is a seasoned entrepreneur and technology leader with over 20 years of experience in digital marketing services. He was a pioneer of the Australian eCommerce sector, played a crucial role in advancing the industry and continues to champion the role of technology to transform businesses and elevate people’s lives. Nick has a proven track record of delivering digital transformation solutions for the public and private sectors, including Adairs, ANZ, Lumo Energy, Tefal, Invictus Games and Leica.

In this episode of Add To Cart, we are joined by Nick Morgan, Founder and CEO of Vudoo, a platform that connects content to commerce and brings the checkout to the customer…we’re talking turbo-charged shoppable video and engagement to match.  Vudoo started in 2016 and clients include Nike, Westpac and Vogue. 

Can you recommend a book or a podcast that our listeners should immediately get into?

It’s a book called Range: Why generalists triumph in a specialised world by David Epstein.  I was made aware of this book about four years ago.  It crystallises so much for myself.  I often find I sit across so many different pieces. You have those moments of imposter syndrome and you question, what do I know? Others know more than me.  

I think it reminds you that if you have a varied experience and you’ve sat across quite a few different things, it can actually all come together, it can actually all come together and be quite a powerful tool.

Being a generalist really allows you to operate at scale and be able to work holistically. 

The Checkout is a short snippet of our conversations.

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