
Holly Cardew from Carted | Checkout #426

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In this episode of Add To Cart, we checkout Holly Cardew, founder and CEO of Carted, an app designed to help consumers super charge their shopping game with organisation, comparison, […]


Holly is the Founder and CEO of Carted. Carted is building the world’s best shopping experience by collecting, standardising, and connecting all of the world’s products (billions of products from millions of merchants) into a single source of truth - a product graph. Carted’s Product Graph will forever change the shopping landscape. Also recognising the immediate need for better shopping experiences, Holly and the team at Carted have been working on the Carted App which puts personalised shopping at users' fingertips, all powered by Carted's Product Graph.

Holly is passionate about reshaping the future of shopping and already has a track record of success in ecommerce, having built and launched five Shopify apps used by over 30,000 merchants globally.

In this episode of Add To Cart, we checkout Holly Cardew, founder and CEO of Carted, an app designed to help consumers super charge their shopping game with organisation, comparison, collaboration and sales access.  Holly’s entrepreneurial background saw her selling handbags on Ebay aged 14 and now, several startups and a decade later, Carted is her focus and is drawing the attention of some of Australia’s biggest investors including Blackbird Ventures.  

Can you recommend a book or a podcast that our listeners should immediately get into?

I really love the book Inspired by Marty Cagen.  It’s how to create tech products customers love.  He is from Silicon Valley and I think the book can really be applied to building ecommerce.  

He really talks about diving into the team structure, the customers, asking customers questions. 

I think it’s a fantastic book. I’m a highlighter, I get the highlighter out.  It’s probably my most highlighted book!

The Checkout is a short snippet of our conversations.

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