
Hayley & Andy Worley | Checkout #131

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They started four years ago with a $20K investment, shooting web content on iPhones and selling their car to pay for stock and now are generating over $15m of sales, have a retail store, a team of 50 and operate out of a 3,500 square metre warehouse in Melbourne.

Co-Founder of trailblazing bed linen label The Sheet Society, Hayley Worley has combined a tactile passion for working with fabric, colours and trends, and a desire to craft a universally ‘wanted’ product with flair. After identifying that bedding was a category in need of (desperate) innovation, she began to grapple with the idea of revolutionizing the way consumers shop for their sheets.


Co-Founder of The Sheet Society. The numbers guy, with a passion for incredible CX. The technical and operations side of TSS and all the boring bits that make everything work. Loves a chat about tech stacks.

In this episode of Add To Cart, we checkout Hayley and Andy Worley from Sheet Society.  Hayley and Andy started Sheet Society because they wanted to make the worst job in the world – putting sheets back on the bed – easier and they wanted to bring beautiful design into the bedroom. They started four years ago with a $20K investment, shooting web content on iPhones and selling their car to pay for stock and now are generating over $15m of sales, have a retail store, a team of 50 and operate out of a 3,500 square metre warehouse in Melbourne. 

Questions answered in this episode include
  • What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever bought online? 
  • Who is your favourite retailer? 
  • Which retail fad do you wish was history?
  • Can you recommend a book or podcast that our listeners should immediately get into? 
  • Finish this sentence.  The future of retail is… 

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