
Dave Hack and George Brown from Creator Flow | #375

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In this episode of Add To Cart, we checkout Dave Hack and George Brown, co founders of Creator Flow, a platform that connects brands with UGC-style Ad Creators.  The founders […]

Dave Hack and George Brown are the founders of Creator Flow, aiming to make getting user-generated content (UGC) easier than ever before. George’s background in building Washbloc and Dave’s understanding of the struggles faced by freelance creatives have led them to unite their expertise. Together, they help brands connect directly with UGC creators, ensuring a steady supply of engaging content while enabling creators to pursue their passion full-time.

In this episode of Add To Cart, we checkout Dave Hack and George Brown, co founders of Creator Flow, a platform that connects brands with UGC-style Ad Creators.  The founders saw a gap between those that have a need for social media ad content to be made and those with the talent, experience and availability to make it.  They’ve filled their books with high quality Australian creators and are working with some pretty impressive clients – outfits like Shark Ninja, Who Gives A Crap and The Oodie. 

Can you recommend a book or a podcast that our listeners should immediately get into?

(George) For me, Seth Goden, This is Marketing.  I loved every page of it.  It’s not about getting lots of clicks… 

It’s about getting a small cohort of people that believe in your brand and are strong brand advocates and that’s all you need really.

(Dave) Hacking Growth by Sean Ellis.  The bible of growth hacking.  I just re-read it the other week as we were working out how to grow this thing.    

It just helps you get in the right frame of mind to think what kind of experiments and what kind of things can you do to move the needle and push things forward?

The Checkout is a short snippet of our conversations.

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