
Kate Collinson from Kate Collinson Digital Consulting | Checkout #061

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In this episode of Add To Cart, we checkout Kate Collinson from Kate Collison Digital Marketing. Questions answered in this episode include… What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever bought online?  […]

EP 61

Kate is an eCommerce consultant & growth marketer specialising in Shopify & Shopify Plus with a decade’s experience in eCommerce. She’s often called a “digital Swiss army knife” by clients, with a wide skillset spanning data & analytics, digital and platform strategy, paid media and customer lifecycle marketing. She works with retailers including Nimble Activewear, The Daily Edited and Steele label.

In this episode of Add To Cart, we checkout Kate Collinson from Kate Collison Digital Marketing.

Questions answered in this episode include
  • What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever bought online? 
  • Who is your favourite retailer? 
  • Which retail fad do you wish was history?
  • Can you recommend a book or podcast that our listeners should immediately get into? 
  • Finish this sentence.  The future of retail is… 

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