
Douglas Low from Incu | Checkout #127

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In this episode of Add To Cart, we checkout Douglas Low from fashion brand Incu. Douglas began on the shop floor 17 years ago and is now CEO of the […]

EP 27

Douglas has been lucky enough to have an organic trajectory within his career and has been in retail since he started University in 2000. He has had a range of roles within fashion from store management to wholesaling brands to finally ending up in Senior Management and has been with Incu approaching 17 years.

You can contact Douglas at LinkedIn

In this episode of Add To Cart, we checkout Douglas Low from fashion brand Incu. Douglas began on the shop floor 17 years ago and is now CEO of the company, which has 13 physical stores, retailing high end fashion brands as well as operating brands such as Rag & Bone, A.P.C and Saturday’s Doors. 

Questions answered in this episode include
  • What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever bought online? 
  • Who is your favourite retailer? 
  • Which retail fad do you wish was history?
  • Can you recommend a book or podcast that our listeners should immediately get into? 
  • Finish this sentence.  The future of retail is… 

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