
Danielle Lewis from Scrunch | Checkout #051

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In this episode of Add To Cart, we checkout Danielle Lewis from the influencer marketing platform and agency, Scrunch.  Whether you’re a TikTok regular or a social media novice, understanding how to […]

EP 51

Danielle is the Co-founder & CEO of Scrunch, a global multi-channel influencer marketing platform and agency. Scrunch launched in late 2014, and since then has raised $3 million in capital, built a world-class team and launched a global SaaS platform, setting up HQ in Brisbane, Australia. Danielle and her team have been proven to be game-changers in the Influencer Marketing world, taking on massive advertising campaigns, collaborating with the likes of Amazon, Deliveroo, NewsCorp, Publicis Mojo, Under Armour, Youfoodz and more.

In this episode of Add To Cart, we checkout Danielle Lewis from the influencer marketing platform and agency, Scrunch.  Whether you’re a TikTok regular or a social media novice, understanding how to best utilise influencers within your business can be daunting.  Danielle helps to take away the guesswork.

Questions answered in this episode include
  • What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever bought online? 
  • Who is your favourite retailer? 
  • Which retail fad do you wish was history?
  • Can you recommend a book or podcast that our listeners should immediately get into? 
  • Finish this sentence.  The future of retail is… 

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