
AuthorIris Smit

An architecture graduate by trade, Iris Smit is more than your traditional entrepreneur. Her vision and success is taking the beauty and cosmetics industry by storm with her two rapidly growing brands The Quick Flick and Beauty Fridge. After founding The Quick Flick in 2017, Iris has taken huge strides to challenge the perception of traditional beauty marketed within the industry. Her revolutionary vision to redesign the way consumers applied winged eyeliner, led Iris to feature on Shark Tank just three months after the brands launch, and subsequently turning down a $300,000 offer. This decision allowed Iris to build her products into a multi-million dollar business with expanding deals with retailers such as Priceline and Super Drug. Her latest venture, Beauty Fridge, was born in mid-2019 and is already a screaming success. The innovative product is the response to a gap in the market for storing skincare and cosmetics products at a regulated temperature. Not only is Iris helping consumers store their products in an aesthetic way, as well as elongating their shelf life, she’s also helping her customers recognise and celebrate real skin texture that hasn’t been photoshopped or covered in makeup.

You can contact Iris at LinkedIn

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