
AuthorAdam Schwab

Adam Schwab is the Co-Founder and CEO of Luxury Escapes, one of the world's fastest growing online travel sites. Adam was originally a corporate lawyer specialising in Mergers & Acquisitions at HerbertSmithFreehills before becoming a founding director of privately-owned corporate accommodation and services group, Living Corporate Apartments, before founding what would become Luxury Escapes with school friend, Jeremy Same. Adam is a financial journalist and business commentator specialising in corporate governance, economics and start-ups. In 2010, Adam released the Amazon (microeconomics) bestseller, ‘Pigs at the Trough: Lessons from Australia’s Decade of Corporate Greed’, published by John Wiley & Sons. In addition to Luxury Escapes, Adam has been a director of the Myeloma Foundation of Australia for 10 years, and has run two Melbourne Marathons completely barefoot to raise funds for the foundation.

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