
About the Add To Cart podcast

Nathan Bush, host of the Add To Cart ecommerce podcast.
Nathan Bush, host of the Add To Cart ecommerce podcast.

I started the Add To Cart podcast because I love talking about eCommerce with smart people. These conversations often happen in meeting rooms, over a beer or at on weird time, a funeral.

If it’s eCommerce, I’m in.

And with the rise of podcasting, I was told that I should turn these random conversations into a podcast. And for a long time I resisted. But I found that there were so many open and honest conversations about the realities of ecommerce that weren’t being reflected in the media.

“I drop shipped my way to become an overnight millionaire”.

We all know this isn’t real right?

Real eCommerce success comes after lots of grind and hard work. Persistence and attention to detail. And lots of fuck ups along the way! These were the real stories I wanted to get out there.

Luckily enough, I have a brilliant network of eCommerce founders, leaders and specialists who are more than willing to share their lessons with you!

Whether you own your own business or are an aspiring eCommerce specialist, I hope that Add To Cart can inspire you to become the best at what you do – warts and all. Because it’s only by sharing that we will all get better.

And keep those customers adding to cart!


PS. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’ve got questions you want to ask of our guests, future guest requests or just want to chew the fat (not recorded obviously…)